What is Uranian Astrology?
/The Uranian system of astrology is really our most advanced and evolved system of astrology to date. It was developed in the early 20th century by a group of astrologers and led by Alfred Witte who was really instrumental in cleaning up astrology and shifting it into this new paradigm that is the Uranian system.
Now on first inspection the Uranian system seems to be this really high tech system of precision, which it is, but perhaps the more profound enhancement to astrology is in its ability to reveal patterns, to really illuminate the storyline of an individual in terms of their operation system, their consciousness, and in terms of their soul's journey. Let's take a look at some of the history and the three dimensional picture that is the Uranian system.
uranian 90 degree dial with "birth chart" (inner circle), "directions" (mid-circle) and "transits" (outer circle)
Alfred witte
Alfred Witte was a renowned German astrologer and a member of the Kepler Circle. The Kepler Circle was a group of avante guarde astrologic minds whose main purpose was to clean up and evolve astrology based on the groundwork laid by Johan Kepler.
Now up until that time the methods for charting the sky had been fairly crude, going from the advent of the telescope to the pendulum clock. We were in the early 20th century yet still dealing with a two-dimensional system of interpretation trying to understand a three dimensional picture. Witte and his colleague Friedrich Seigrunn were trying to use the two dimentional traditional system to calculate and predict Russian artillery barrages during World War I based on precise astrological records that they kept, but they couldn't do it. The planetary pictures were not "illuminating" circumstances as they should.
The 90 degree uranian chart with moveable dial
So Witte creates this whole new system that is geometrically based as well as based on symmetry between planets. Gone was the two dimensional static chart, which most astrologers still use today, and in was the movable dial. And with the movable dial he can now reference any plane or point he would like, and when he references a point or plane he can see symmetrical arrangements, that is, things that are equidistant to that point that gives us even more information about the point in question. So all these tools and techniques were really a major breakthrough for the time.
Lets go back to the battle front. So with the dial Witte and Seigrunn were now beginning to accurately time the bombardments with amazing precision, but perhaps the more illuminating discovery that Witte had made was that he started to notice unoccupied points on the dial that were repeatedly being activated when things would happen in the environment. He watched these anomalies, and after years of proofing he aptly named these points of energy Hades and Cupido. These mysterious points are referred to a Transneptunian planets in the Uranian system.
unoccupied points being repeatedly activated when things would happen in the environment. these points eventually became know as the first two transneptunian planets discovered, cupido and hades.
The Transneptunian planets are actually hypotheticals. The physical bodies have never been discovered but they are "points of energy" that have been proofed over many years. There are eight Transneptunian planets in all, the first two (Cupido and Hades) being discovered by Alfred Witte and the remaining six energy points (Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus and Poseidon), discovered by his students as they carried on Witte's work with the dial. The Transneptunian planets add a tremendous amount of clarity and depth to a chart. I often see it as "putting a magnifying glass to the astrological chart," illuminating already present patterns even more.
traditional "western" chart
So why is the Uranian system so important and what can it offer up in terms of taking a deeper look into our natal birth chart? I think in order to get a perspective here we really need to take another look at both systems, the traditional (Western) system of astrology and the Uranian system of astrology. Again, in the traditional system (example to the right) you have the house systems which are the areas of life experience, you have the planets that tenant the houses, and you have the dynamic energetic interchanges between the planets and the angles. So in essence you have maybe forty to fifty pieces of information from which to get a cohesive picture as to how an individual is built on a deep level.
The Uranian 90 degree dial and midpoint structures
The Uranian system of astrology is an energetic picture of vibration (or harmonics). With the Uranian chart we have a movable dial, which gives us access to an infinite number of points from which to see planetary pictures, also referred to as midpoint structures. Midpoints involve two points that are equidistant to a single point (where the dial's pointer is at). There are usually several midpoint structures around any given place the pointer is place. It is from these midpoint structures or midpoint trees that we begin to see patterns. Soon we begin to see these patterns repeat. And what does it mean when we start to repeating patterns? It means we are starting to get an amazing glimpse into an individual's consciousness, their energetic vibration. Individuality begins to illuminate as well as soul path, and this applies not only to a chart of an individual, but also to anything that can be charted, that is, anything that has a point of creation, whether an individual, an event, an idea, a nation or even a blade of grass (date, place and time) taken at the point of germination.
So one of the most important points in the Uranian system is the Meridian. In the traditional chart the Midheaven is the tenth house cusp and it's the area of career, social aspirations, the mother or the father, and it's kind of as simple as that. In the Uranian system it's the first point that we go to because it's a snapshot of the soul, it's a picture of our consciousness, it's our soul's essence, what we really want to do regardless of whether it brings attention and recognition from the outside.
The Meridian as Alfred Witter puts it....it's the "I," the "me," the "my." So when we combine the Meridian with other planets, say Mercury, and Mercury is how we communicate, it's our thoughts....it would be Meridian/Mercury...."my thoughts." Or lets combine it with the Moon which is our emotions, our emotional unconscious. It would be "my emotions." So we can go to those midpoints and take a look at what planetary pictures are descriptive of the person around that. We can make any combination of any planet or plane that we would like in the Uranian system. We can also play around and throw in asteroids, part of fortune, Chiron, or anything you would like to place on the dial so long as it has coordinates.
The Uranian system and the dial is an amazing and powerful tool for a rich and interpretive experience. It allows us to step back and catch a glimpse of our vibration which informs our soul journey, path and purpose. And once we can see our story, (which you already intrinsically aware of) a dialogue can ensue and we can not only acknowledge our gifts, our hopes, and our aspirations, but perhaps more importantly, what keeps us from our abundance. When we choose to look, we can begin to make some really great choices in our lives.
I encourage you to watch my other videos on the Uranian system, in specific, the Transneptunian planets, their cultural archetypes, and how they might operate in your personal birth chart.