Cupido in Astrology. The planet of companionship and partnership.
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Alfred Witte called the first Transneptunian planet Cupido and when we look at that symbol closely you’ll see it’s actually a combination of Venus and Jupiter so it’s like a very expansive Venus. When we look at the effect of Cupido in a birth chart we are looking at things where companionship and partnerships are the main component. This has varied implications, from organizations, to family, social relations, clubs, corporations, many different kinds of partnerships. Venus also has to do with the aesthetic, beauty and art, so Cupido could also involve creative cooperative ventures.
Now on its own Cupido is a fairly neutral and accommodating planet, so we really need to see what else it’s dancing with in a chart to get a realistic picture of how it is operating. Let’s look at a few examples.
This first chart is the chart of Madonna. When we look around the Meridian, the point of individuality and the soul's essence, we get a Venus/Cupido midpoint structure. Now we know the Cupido has to do with partnerships, communions, organizations, corporations, but with the integration of the Venus this becomes creative cooperative partnerships. Venus/Cupido can also be someone who is extroverted, people oriented and who enjoys social participation. This is a neutral combination unless it is tied in with heavier planetary energy such as Hades, Admetos, Neptune, Saturn, or Pluto.
Madonna - August 8, 1958, 7:05 am - Bay city, Michigan
Adolf Hitler
This next chart is the natal chart of Adolf Hitler. Now around the Meridian Adolf Hitler has a Cupido/Poseidon midpoint structure. The Poseidon component of this structure is all about seeking higher truth, shining the light upon or illuminating something, but it can also be someone who is a doctrinaire. So when Cupido and Poseidon come together you can have someone involved with communities or cultural groups with specific world views. Views here can be an idealistic as well as perfectionistic, as in Hitler's inalterable "world view" of the perfect pedigree, the Aryan race.
adolf hitler - April 20, 1989 @ 6:30 pm - Braunau, Austria
Charles and Diana ~ Wedding
This next chart is an event. It’s the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. It’s important to note here that while the Meridian would still be the snapshot of the event, its "individuality," the Meridian also represents the actual minute or moment of the event. So for instance if they were married at 11:17 am that puts the Meridian at 10.30 degrees of Cancer and if the marriage took place a few minutes later, say 11:30 am, this moves the Meridian a full two degree to 13.30 degrees Cancer, and as a result the entire picture changes. It then picks up on different midpoint structures which define a very different moment in time. So you can see why the Meridian is so very distinct and important.
So at the moment of the marriage we have a Cupido/Kronos midpoint structure. Kronos, another one of the Transneptunian planets, is about all things that are high up, literally and figuratively. So anything from bureaucracies, government, leadership positions, the social elite, the boss, and also everything that is above average such as someone who is an expert at something or perhaps belongs to a prominent society. Cupido/Kronos is also one of the midpoint structures for marriage, illustrious societies, associations with prominent people, high social positions, as well as family celebrations and gatherings.
prince Charles and princess Diana wedding - June 29, 1981 - 11:20 am - London, England
This is a great example of how the Uranian system illuminates a moment in time with such precision. When one has worked with the Uranian system long enough, it makes you start to question the very nature of our reality. You will start to look at ones personal daily events (exact time necessary), whether a sudden wonderful meeting with someone, an argument, an accident, a difficult phone call....literally whatever has an actual time you can pinpoint, you can throw up on the dial....and there it is, the event, the nature of reality. This is the very reason the Uranian system is unparalleled. It keeps on showing us the nature of consciousness in each and every moment.
Uma Thurman
Next up, actor Uma Thurman. Here we have a Jupiter/Cupido midpoint structure running on the side of the Meridian, but it still fulfills those criteria for a midpoint because it is equidistant to the axis. Jupiter is traditionally known as the planet of good luck and good fortune, but Jupiter is much more than that. It expands whatever it touches with faith, optimism, contentment, a consciousness of aim, so it’s easy to see why it’s labeled the planet of luck. Jupiter/Cupido around the Meridian indicates someone who has successful partnerships, it may not necessarily be in the romantic area, we’d have to look deeper to confirm that, but certainly in the area of career because remember the Meridian has everything to do with the career from the standpoint of individuality. This is someone who gets along well with people and people really like her. And since Jupiter expands the Cupido energy as it sits on the career axis, it also represents someone who appears in the public as an artist.
uma Thurman ~ April 29, 1970 @ 1:51 pm - Boston, Massachusetts